How to submit your Virtual Race
The Nana’s Run Virtual 5k can be completed anywhere! The virtual race is live from 4/26/21 through 11:59pm on 5/1/21. Run in your neighborhood, on your favorite trails, or even on your treadmill! Simply track your distance and record your time. Be safe and adhere to proper social distancing guidelines.
How to Submit your Virtual Results:
To find you bib number, login to your RunSignup account. Please select one of the following options to submit your time.
1. Submit Manually on RunSignup
To manually submit your time, visit the RunSignup Results Page. Login, search your name and/ or bib number, and record your time where prompted
2. Text Results
If you opted to receive text updates from Nana’s Run, you are eligible to submit your results via text. To submit your results, reply to our prompted texts which will be sent out throughout race week. The text will look like the following:
Post Results: Reply with format “KEYWORD BIB# TIME” (e.g. NANAS21 1234 25:45)