A message to our community:
Over the past eight years, thousands of runners and walkers have helped support ALS patients and their caregivers by participating in Nana's Run. We have been amazed at the community’s enthusiasm and commitment to help raise awareness about a disease that has impacted many lives.
In 2014, we created Nana’s Run to remember the life and legacy of our beloved grandmother, Char VanderLaan, who battled the illness. We wanted to do something special to honor her and help fight this horrible disease. Before our Nana passed, we told her our dream was to raise $1 million to support ALS patients and their families. Today, we celebrate Nana's Run has raised more than $2.25 million! Proceeds from the run supported patients, caregivers, and ongoing research.
Our commitment to the ALS community remains strong, and we are pleased to continue our support of West Michigan nonprofits that serve ALS patients and their caregivers. Given the current climate, we have made the difficult decision to not hold a race in 2022. We would love your continued support as we look forward to new opportunities to make a lasting impact in the ALS community.
We are incredibly thankful to the Grand Rapids community for helping us raise more than $2.25 million for ALS patients and research over the past eight years. We are amazed by the love and support of this community and grateful to serve as part of it.
If you would like to join us in financially supporting past Nana’s Run charity partners, you can do so at: Saint Mary's Foundation | Mercy Health website (indicate ALS Clinic Fund) or the ALSA website.
With gratitude,
Cassandra DeVos Sydney DeVos
Nana’s Run Co-Chair Nana’s Run Co-Chair